CleanSpeak Packages

1. Packages

When you’ve navigated to the CleanSpeak Downloads page after logging into your CleanSpeak account you’ll be presented with several packages to download. Review the following information to understand which packages you need to download. If your target platform is Linux, using the RPM or DEB packages is preferred and provides a simple installation process. Only ZIP files are provided for Windows and macOS.

1.1. Database Downloads

The database package contains the CleanSpeak schema and migration scripts that CleanSpeak provides to support version upgrades when database changes are made. In most cases, you will not need to use this package. Instead, CleanSpeak will enter Maintenance Mode when it is started, and this will automatically create the database or upgrade it. However, if you need to perform unattended installs or upgrades of CleanSpeak, you will need to download this package for the schema and migration SQL scripts. You can review the Advanced Installation portion of the Install CleanSpeak section to learn more about unattended installations and upgrades.

1.2. CleanSpeak Downloads

You will always need to download this package since it is the core component of CleanSpeak.