Using CleanSpeak on Docker

Docker Compose

The CleanSpeak Docker images may be found on Docker Hub. Use our Docker Compose example if you’re looking for a complete configuration to get up and running quickly. The following is an example, and it may not be the most recent version. Refer to the following link in GitHub to find the latest version.

curl -o docker-compose.yml
curl -o .env
docker-compose up

The stock .env file will contain the following values, and you will want to modify the DATABASE_PASSWORD and ensure the POSTGRES_USER and POSTGRES_PASSWORD values are correct. You will also need to ensure that you add your license key to the LICENSE_ID variable. You may also override any of these values using environment variables.


ES_JAVA_OPTS=-Xms256m -Xmx256m



Docker Services

In the above example configuration, you will find a database, search, and CleanSpeak service. Read below to better understand how each service is configured.

Database Service

At a minimum, you will need to either set the POSTGRES_PASSWORD environment variable in the db service section or, more ideally, set the value in the host environment and leave it out of the docker-compose.yml file. Ensure the other properties fit your requirements. Refer to the System Requirements for database version support.

Search Service

The image uses OpenSearch 2.x.

If you would like to add additional search nodes, simply copy and paste the service section named search1 and create as many as you’d like naming them search2, search3 for example. Each will require a named volume, you may increment the name of the volume as well, for example es_data1, es_data2, es_data3, etc.

CleanSpeak Service

Silent Configuration

All of the environment variables are options. If not provided, a default will be utilized. Suppose you wish to perform a silent configuration which means you will not stop in maintenance mode to configure the database or search engine. In that case, you must provide the following environment variables:





These four variables, when configured correctly, will allow CleanSpeak to silently configure itself and go directly to the setup wizard. If they are omitted, CleanSpeak will start up in Maintenance mode and require you to configure the database and search engine interactively.


Review the following environment variables to customize your deployment.

Table 1. Environment Variables


The JDBC URL that CleanSpeak can use to connect to the configured database.

Consider the example below and review each part of the URL string as you may need to adjust it for your configuration.


  • Database type: PostgreSQL

  • Database host: db

  • Database port: 5432

  • Database name: cleanspeak

In the example above, notice we have specified the PostgreSQL JDBC type, a host of db, a port 5432 and a database name of cleanspeak. The host is the service name of the database configuration, in this case it is named db.

You may also wish to connect to a remote database, in that case you will provide your own JDBC string URL and you will not require the db service in your configuration.

Setting this environment variable will override the database.url in the Configuration file. See the Configuration Reference for more information.

DATABASE_ROOT_USER Optional Defaults to postgres (The default for the postgres image)

The database root user that is used to create the CleanSpeak schema and CleanSpeak user.

Once CleanSpeak is configured and running this value is no longer used and is never persisted.

DATABASE_ROOT_PASSWORD Optional Defaults to postgres (The default for the postgres image)

The database root password that is used to create the CleanSpeak schema and CleanSpeak user. It is recommended to leave the value of this variable empty as it is shown in the example. Using this configuration, the value will be picked up from the host environment. To use the value in this way, be sure to set this named environment value before calling docker-compose up.

Once CleanSpeak is configured and running this value is no longer used and is never persisted.

DATABASE_USER Optional Defaults to cleanspeak

The database user that will be created during configuration to own the CleanSpeak schema and to connect to the database at CleanSpeak runtime.

Setting this environment variable will override the database.username in the Configuration file. See the Configuration Reference for more information.

DATABASE_PASSWORD Optional Defaults to cleanspeak

The database password that will be created during configuration to own the CleanSpeak schema and to connect to the database at CleanSpeak runtime. If you are deploying this into production it is extremely important that you sent this value to something other than the default.

Setting this environment variable will override the database.password in the Configuration file. See the Configuration Reference for more information.

CLEANSPEAK_APP_MEMORY Optional defaults to 256M

The RAM to assign to the Java VM for CleanSpeak.

Setting this environment variable will override the cleanspeak-*.memory in the Configuration file. See the Configuration Reference for more information.

SEARCH_SERVERS Optional defaults to http://localhost:9021

A comma separated listed of URLs to connect to one or more search servers.

Setting this environment variable will override the in the Configuration file. See the Configuration Reference for more information.


Your License ID. You can find your License ID by logging into your account at

Production Deployment

OpenSearch has a few runtime requirements that may not be met by default on your host platform. Please review the Elasticsearch Docker production mode guide for more information.

For example if startup is failing and you see the following in the logs, you will need to increase vm.max_map_count on your host VM.

2018-11-22T12:32:06.779828954Z Nov 22, 2018 12:32:06.779 PM ERROR
  - Silent configuration was unable to complete search configuration. Entering maintenance mode. State [SERVER_DOWN]

2018-11-22T13:00:05.346558595Z ERROR: [2] bootstrap checks failed
2018-11-22T13:00:05.346600195Z [1]: memory locking requested for elasticsearch process but memory is not locked
2018-11-22T13:00:05.346606495Z [2]: max virtual memory areas vm.max_map_count [65530] is too low, increase to at least [262144]

Docker Images

If you want to build your from our base images, the following Docker images are available.


docker pull cleanspeak/cleanspeak-app

We do not provide a CleanSpeak Search image as the default OpenSearch images work great.

docker pull opensearchproject/opensearch:2