Prometheus Setup

1. Prometheus Setup

Available since 3.25.0

Prometheus is a tool to monitor metrics and setup alerts in the case that some metric has responded negatively for an extended period. Setting this up with CleanSpeak is easy.

1.1. Setup

The primary requirement to hookup CleanSpeak is to direct Prometheus to the CleanSpeak endpoints. We used the following configuration for a CleanSpeak instance running locally on the docker host. (You can reach the docker host using the hostname host.docker.internal on macOS and Windows. By default, for 4.x, CleanSpeak runs on 8001 and for 3.x the CleanSpeak Management Interface runs on 8011 and CleanSpeak Webservice runs on 8001)

prometheus.yaml (3x)
  - job_name: CleanSpeak
    metrics_path: /prometheus/metrics
    scheme: https
      - targets: ['', '']
prometheus.yaml (4x)
  - job_name: CleanSpeak
    metrics_path: /prometheus/metrics
    scheme: http
      - targets: ['host.docker.internal:8001']
      # this should literally be apikey
      username: "apikey"
      # Put your key, configured in CleanSpeak, here
      password: "your_api_key"

in 4.x, you must either supply an API key as the example above does OR connect from localhost with cleanspeak-app.local-metrics.enabled in the config file

We then started prometheus with

docker run -v $(pwd)/prometheus.yaml:/etc/prometheus/prometheus.yml -p 9090:9090 prom/prometheus
Prometheus Adoc