Types of Profanity Filters for Online Safety
- By Mike King
- CleanSpeak
- March 28, 2013
It is difficult to talk about profanity filters without a common vocabulary among industry participants. People looking for technology solutions will benefit from standardization of filter names, as well as some clarity around what distinguishes each type of filter. We’re going to name those profanity filters, explain each, and give some examples using screen shots. Here are the filter types: Black List Filtering, Free Form White List Filtering, Restricted Entry White List Filtering, Menu Messaging, and Bozo Filtering.
Black List Filtering
This filter allows the user to type any message they want except for words and phrases that are on the black list. Some communities also disallow characters such as numbers and some forms of punctuation like !,.@$?\ and |. Once the user types and submits their message, it is sent to the server to be processed by the filter; acceptable content is posted in the community, but restricted content is returned with a predetermined response, which might include replacing the letters with stars, blocking the message altogether or blocking the message from presentation in the community, but displaying it in the author’s message stream (bozo filter).
Example: The message is blocked and a warning screen is displayed
Courtesy: National Geographic Animal Jam® & Smart Bomb Interactive