Focus: Dealing with Digital Distraction

Anne Collier
  • By Anne Collier
  • Misc
  • December 17, 2013


Learning how to be present, attend to others, know what’s important in a given moment and stay focused on it has always been a vital part of growing up. “The ability to focus is a secret element to success that often gets ignored,” according to an article in Mind/Shift that cites the work of psychologist Daniel Goleman, an author of a book about this.

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Social Media: Keeping Kids Safe Online

Sean Bryant
  • By Sean Bryant
  • Misc
  • December 10, 2013

Parenting has changed drastically in the past decade. Instead of dinner bells ringing children home, they now have cell phones. Social media has become an obsession and a favorite past time. With the changes in technology, changes in parenting become necessary.

You can keep your child safe in the social media age with a few tips to help you stay up to speed with today’s technology and your child’s plugged-in world.

safe online

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Kid Safety

Infograph: What is an Internet Troll?

Sean Bryant
  • By Sean Bryant
  • Misc
  • December 4, 2013

In Internet slang, a troll is a person who sows discord on the Internet by starting arguments or upsetting people, by posting inflammatory, extraneous, or off-topic messages in an online community (such as a forum, chat room, or blog), either accidentally or with the deliberate intent of provoking readers into an emotional response or of otherwise disrupting normal on-topic discussion.

~ Wikipedia

Anyone that has contributed to an online community where user generated content is freely shared has dealt with this unsuspecting, antagonistic, deliberate waste of online space. But like the digital world, they grow, expand and create new ways to engage.  No, not in a positive way, but by getting past the preventative solutions in place to protect the honorable digital citizen wanting to engage.

So what exactly is the role of an Internet Troll? Inversoft would like to share a gem from Community 102 defining the details and online actions of the typical Internet Troll.

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Infograph: Teens Social Media & Privacy

Sean Bryant
  • By Sean Bryant
  • Misc
  • November 21, 2013

Understanding the importance of internet safety is no longer something that can be ignored. It is an issue that continues to grow, and with that, so does the need to understand and identify where risk exists.

Inversoft would like to share an informative infograph highlighting a shift in online safety awareness. The details expose how often teens provide personally identifiable information, who they "friend", and the level of trust and confidence when privacy is of concern.

If you're having trouble viewing the image below, zoom in : ⌘ + Plus  (Mac) | Picture of the Windows logo key+Plus (PC)

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Social Media

How Social Media Saved a Life

Anne Collier
  • By Anne Collier
  • Misc
  • November 19, 2013


We hear all the time about the dangers and inherent risks that come with interacting online. Whether it be an online community, forum, blog or social network,  it seems there is never a lack of negative interactions or comments. Not today. Today Inversoft wishes to share an article from one of our partners about how social media saved a life by creating an avenue of communication from the authorities to the one in need. Here's to community... online or off.



Creating Contact

Rarely do we see news stories about how social media can save lives, but that’s literally what happened in the metropolitan New York area this week. An 18-year-old posted in Facebook that he was thinking about jumping off the George Washington Bridge, and “a concerned Facebook user who saw the post contacted local New Jersey police, who then called the Port Authority Police Department, which has authority over the bridge,” NBC News reported. Continue reading
