Flexible Features

Whether you need a full scale moderation software solution or just pieces to supplement your in-house solution, Cleanspeak can help.

Moderation Admin Tools

Fully scalable to meet your unique audience needs

Moderation Queues

Review problematic content, escalate issues according to your guidelines and automate to help you scale your operations.

User-based Features

Use custom calibrated rulesets to rate users, determine if/how they need to be actioned on and then automate your processes.

Analytics Reporting

Help your data work for you - easily access Moderator Activity, Content Searches, Term/ Model Frequencies and more.

Machine Learning Models

Leverage AI to scale your decisions

Text, Image & Video

Powerful models to review your content on multiple vectors, giving you more info to make and automate your moderation decisions.

Tunable to your brand

Baseline ratios allow you to start to reviewing content instantly, but all models are completely tunable to your specific brand's needs.


We have integrated Google Perspective and SightEngine's ML model engines into the Cleanspeak tool to help streamline your content analysis process.

Word/Phrase Filters

Powerful filtering algorithms

Limit Profanity & Negativity

Fully customizable blocklists to help detect potential negative words and phrases, as well as derivatives used to bypass the filter.

Implement Anywhere

Whether you want to screen chat, comments, user profiles, or usernames, Cleanspeak can be incorporated into your workflows easily.

Multiple Languages

22+ base language lists included, but you can amend them or add your own lists to leverage the powerful Cleanspeak algorithms.

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