Root Word List Advantage: Content Moderation via Intelligent Filtering

Smarter Content Filtering: How Root Word Detection Eliminates Manual Word List Mana

Root Word List Advantage: Content Moderation via Intelligent Filtering

In today's digital communities, effective content moderation is crucial for maintaining a safe and positive environment and brand protection. However, traditional filtering methods often fall short, leaving gaps in protection and burdening moderators with endless list management. That’s where Cleanspeak comes in, it’s groundbreaking content moderation tool has been at the forefront of the industry, quietly protecting some of the biggest brands, since 2016.

Cleanspeak lets you spend your time engaging with your community, instead of managing word lists.

The Problem with Traditional Filtering

Many content moderation tools rely on extensive word lists to catch inappropriate content via exact match items on the word list being used. This approach has several drawbacks:

  1. Massive, and unwieldy lists that are difficult to maintain (sometimes over 70k records)
  2. You need to frequently update these large lists to catch new variations, or remove outdated terminology, and ensure you have placed every possible variant on the list, with the proper associated rules — thus requiring constant and active management of a large list.
  3. There’s a high risk of overlooking creative workarounds - such as repeat characters - how many does your current word list handle?
  4. Most word lists require an exact match to detect words needing to be filtered or flagged.
  5. Inefficient processing due to large dataset comparisons

Large lists are more work for everyone involved to be accurate, and well maintained, leading to a higher risk of things slipping through the filter and never generating an alert. And in a world of wanting less human interaction and more automation - that’s the wrong direction for your list to take.

Cleanspeak's Intelligent Solution: Root Word List Extrapolation

Cleanspeak takes a different approach. Instead of using exhaustive word lists, our proprietary algorithm leverages a concise "root word" list and applies advanced linguistic methods to identify countless variations automatically.

For each word on our word list, there’s 100s, and sometimes 1000s, of potential variations of the word which Cleanspeak understands and extrapolates, so you don’t have to worry about anything beyond the root word.

How it Works

  1. Root Word Identification: Cleanspeak starts with a core list of problematic root words. (e.g. ‘ass’)
  2. Linguistic Extrapolation: Our algorithm analyzes these roots and generates all possible variations based on differentlanguage rules, developed by expert linguists and seasoned moderators. Our tools understand the difference of impact between a verb and adverb, the rules around those, and how to extrapolate appropriate variations so your moderation team never needs to understand those nuances to maintain the list.
  3. Comprehensive Coverage: The system accounts for:
    1. Separators (e.g. "s.m.u.r.f.”)
    2. Grawlix (e.g. "$#!t")
    3. Leet speak (e.g. “|\<nive$”)
    4. Phonetic replacements (e.g. “attak”)
    5. Repeat characters (e.g. “heelllo”), (with Cleanspeak our detection for repeats is technically unlimited), so you don’t need to make sure you have variants with 3,4,5,6 or more repeat characters to keep your community safe, it’s a single word entry and Cleanspeak takes it from there.
    6. Embeddable words (e.g. “assface”)
Cleanspeak root word list screenshot.

The Cleanspeak Advantage

  1. Efficiency: Maintain a smaller, more manageable word list without sacrificing coverage.
  2. Accuracy: Catch more variations and other creative attempts to bypass filters.
  3. Adaptability: Easily update your list to address new concerns without starting from scratch or needing to create dozens of permutations for each word.
  4. Performance: Faster processing with a streamlined dataset.
  5. User-Friendly: Simpler management for moderators and administrators with easy to apply rules based on severities, categories, and more.


Imagine catching not just "badword," but also "b@dw0rd," "baaadworrrrd," and "bad-word" – all without having to list each variation manually in a list you’ll need to maintain over time. 

That's the power of Cleanspeak.

Why Choose Cleanspeak?

While competitors have bloated word lists, complex and vague rules to list in transparency reports, Cleanspeak users enjoy:

  • Reduced list management time
  • Improved content detection and filtering
  • Better user experiences through fewer false positives
  • Scalability across multiple languages and platforms
  • Faster to implement your policies and to integrate into your stack
  • Easy and clear rule systems

Don't let outdated filtering methods hold your platform back. Embrace our leading content moderation software – where intelligent filtering meets ease of moderation.

Ready to revolutionize your content moderation strategy? Contact us today for a demo and see the Cleanspeak difference for yourself!

Root Word List Advantage: Content Moderation via Intelligent Filtering