Inversoft Update: Heartbleed Bug Exposed

Sean Bryant


You’ve probably heard by now that there is a serious threat to internet security.  The Heartbleed bug is directly associated with the popular OpenSSL cryptographic software library. The Bug exposes secret keys used to identify service providers and to encrypt traffic, usernames, passwords and other content.

Why is it called Heartbleed?

The bug is found in the OpenSSL’s implementation of the TLS/DTLS (transport layer security protocols) heart beat extension. When exposed, memory content leaks from the server to the client and from the client to the server.

Secret Information Leaked includes:

  • Encryption keys
  • User credentials (user names and passwords)
  • Personal or financial details
  • Emails
  • Instant messages
  • Documents

Who is affected

OpenSSL is the most popular open source library. Popular social network sites, your company, commerce, hobby, and even governments sites might be using the vulnerable OpenSSL.

Inversoft Update

You are receiving this because Inversoft takes our customer’s and partner’s information seriously and wish to inform you of the current state of company operations.

Inversoft has taken the necessary actions to secure our communications.  We have deployed the Fixed OpenSSL.  All of our operating systems, networked appliances and software have been updated in accordance with protocol.

For more detailed information on the Heartbleed Bug and what you and your company can do to secure your data, click here.


Further Reading: 

3 Techniques to Protect Against Social Hacking

Pokemon CleanSpeak Tutorial

7 Properties of Online Community
