How To Filter Microsoft's Hitler-Loving AI

Kelly Strain

Microsoft apologizes after artificial intelligence experiment backfired. What could they have done differently?

Tay, marketed as “Microsoft’s AI fam from the internet that’s got zero chill,” candidly tweeted racist and sexist remarks confirming she in fact had “zero chill”. The chatbot was shut down within 24 hours of her introduction to the world after offending the masses.

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Filtering Content - What you don’t know, will hurt you.

Kelly Strain


A healthy and engaged online community is critical to a company’s success. This is a hot topic amongst CMGRs and top industry influentials and while most people can agree on the importance of a branded online community not all agree on the path to achieving this safe environment.

If you have an active online community, you already know that not every user is a good user. Trolls, bullies and URL spam inherently present problems and there will be consequences if you simply ignore the issue.

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Lions, Tigers and Unicode Oh My!

Brian Pontarelli

Recently, I was working with a customer that had a URL slip through CleanSpeak’s URL filter. The URL looked something like this:


The trick this user employed to get around our URL filter was using the Unicode character “ 。”(code point 0x3002 or UTF-8 0xE38082). This character looks like a period but wasn’t in the list of valid URL separators that CleanSpeak handles.

My initial thought was to simply add the character to the list. That required me to look up the Unicode code point for it first. I then realized that there were a ton of other characters that also looked like periods. In order to properly handle this, I’d need to add all of them to the list. I also noticed that there were numerous other characters someone could use to trick the URL filter like arrows, pictures and symbols.

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3 Trends Shaking Up App Development in 2016

Brian Pontarelli

3 trends shaking up app development in 2016

With the number of apps and mobile users projected to increase exponentially, developers who create the most advanced technology fastest will gain the competitive edge needed to stand out amongst competition.

The software industry is ever-changing. The field is highly dynamic, focused on building and changing the way we live, work and play. 2015 was a tumultuous year for developers.

IT was impacted by innovations from within as well as external factors, such as increased government regulations and cyber-crimes originating both in the U.S. and abroad.

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Profanity Filter – SaaS or On-Premise?

Mike Moloughney

Profanity Filter

There are a few items to consider when deciding on whether to go the route of implementing a SaaS option or an On-Premise option for a profanity filter.  There is no right or wrong choice in this matter, simply what works best for your needs.

First let’s make clear what the SaaS and On-premise solutions offer:


This is a shared, “multi-tenant” instance that is hosted by the profanity filter vendor.  There is no installation required by the client.  You simply integrate your product, send content through the filter, receive the appropriate response and define what action you want taken.

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